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Welcome to the Navy Yacht Club Everett

Our club is a social organization focusing on clubhouse and cruising events. Our club which originated from boat owners moored at the Naval Station Everett Marina, is primarily focused on the military and DoD community with Regular Members comprised of active duty military, retired military, military veterans and those that are currently employed or retired from the DoD. Regular Members make up 80 percent of the club. The other 20 percent of the club are Associate members. Associate members have no military affiliation. If you are looking for a boating organization with a connection to your military service, please check us out and consider becoming a member.

As a note, The Navy Yacht Club Everett has no affiliation with Naval Station Everett or the Marina services available aboard Naval Station Everett. For information relating to the marina contact MWR.




General Meetings

The Navy Yacht Club Everett

The official commissioning date for the Navy Yacht Club Everett was 21 November 1996. NYCE was an outgrowth of the Marina Patrons Advisory Committee which was formed to address issues of boat owners with vessels moored at the Naval Station Everett Marina.

The first meeting of Navy Yacht Club Everett was held on 15 August 1996, with thirteen family memberships. The purpose of this meeting was to establish a club mission (fostering fellowship and safe boating) and to develop operational by-laws. NYCE by-laws were unanimously accepted by the Naval Station Morale Welfare and Recreation (MWR) Advisory board on 16 October 1996 and approved by the base Commanding Officer, Captain Annette Brown, USN on 24 October 1996. The by-laws for Navy Yacht Club Everett and organizational charter became effective at the next general meeting which was held on 21 November 1996.

The elective commissioning officers were: Gene Dvornick, Commodore; George Secor, Vice-Commodore; and Chip White, Rear-Commodore. Members at Large included Athlene Schneider and Alex McKay-Green. Appointive officials included Dale Norris as Historian, John B. Bell as Treasurer and Barb White as Secretary. There were 44 plank owner memberships. Today there are remaining.

  • 0006 Rose and Dale Duffield
  • 0014 Melin and Tony Ford
  • 0021 Jean and Jack Rothrock
  • 0024 Maye and Robert McEliece
  • 0027 Marlou and Andy Murphy

Board of Directors

 Commodore  Glenn Martell
 Vice Commodore  Richard Servance
 Rear Commodore  Ann Peterson
 Past Commodore  Tripp Hardy
 Fleet Captain  Jim Carey
 Secretary  Mike Allert
 Treasurer  Len Zuvela
 Member at Large Tim Attwell
 Member at Large  Carlos Aceves

Appointed Positions

 Membership Directory  Edwin Hurley
 Reciprocals  Dale Moses
 Sunshine Chair  Grayce Hardy
 Newsletter  Edwin Hurley

Commodore's Award

The Commodore’s Award goes to a member who, in the Commodore’s judgment has made the greatest long-term contribution to the club.  Members should only receive this award once.  The award will be given at the Commodore’s Ball.


 Vicki Wyant, John and Barbara Bader

 2006  None
 2007  Kathy Felker
 2008  Carrol Walker
 2009  Vicki Wyant
 2010  Ron Barrow
 2011  Rico Ferraioli
 2012  Dale Duffield
 2013  Jim and Peggy Hanson
 2014  Wally Davis
 2015  Rose Duffield
 2016  Steve Slaton
 2017  Karen and Len Zuvela
 2018  Chuck Motson
 2019  Larry and Sue Tughan
 2020  No Award Presented 
 2021  Edwin Hurley

 Chuck Motson 

 2023Edwin Hurley

Cruiser of the Year Award

Awarded annually to encourage active boating among the membership of Navy Yacht Club Everett while promoting club ideals, upholding yachting traditions, and fostering a spirit of fellowship among members. Specific criteria and details on the award points system for Cruiser of the Year are available on the club website ( or from the Fleet Captain.

 2005 Al, Charlie and Mary Fox
 2006  Crew of Restless
 2007 Rico Ferraioli and Carolyn Michels
 2008 Rico Ferraioli and Carolyn Michels
 2009 Rico Ferraioli and Carolyn Michels
 2010 Dale and Susie Moses
 2011 Mike and Shirley Allert
 2012 Dale and Rose Duffield
 2013 Rico Ferraioli and Carolyn Michels
 2014 Dale and Rose Duffield

Dale and Rose Duffield

Rico Ferraioli and Carolyn Michels

 2016 Mike and Shirley Alert
 2017 Rico Ferraioli and Carolyn Michels
 2018 Mike and Shirley Allert
 2019 Chuck and Geri Motson 
 2020 No Award Presented 
 2021 Chuck Motson

 Jim Carey

 2023Tim Attwell

Pink Flamingo Award

The Pink Flamingo is awarded to the member or members who have over the past one to two years made the greatest contribution to the NYCE.  Nominations for this award are provided by any member to the Vice Commodore who will chair a committee to select the recipient.  The award is then given at the Commodore’s Ball.  The Pink Flamingo normally is not awarded more than once to the same member during a five year period.

 1999 Marilyn Secor and Barb White 
 2000 Pat Dvornick 
 2001 Dan Fry
 2002 Jean Rothrock
 2003 Rose Duffield
 2004 Mary Fox
 2005 Sharilyn Howell
 2006 Lynda Johnsen
 2007 John and Barbara Bader


Rico Ferraioli and Carolyn Michels

Lori Hogan and John Krevis

 2009 Kathy Felker
 2010 Peggy Hanson
 2011 Walley Davis
 2012 Chris Abarta
 2013 Jim Frees
 2014 Robert Montgomery
 2015 Len Zuvela
 2016 Dale Moses
 2017 Nancy and Dennis Treat
 2018 Vickie Roddy
 2019 Tennis de Jong
 2020 No Awards Presented
 2021  --
 2022 Sue and Larry Tughan
 2023Richard Servance and Anne Wells 

Past Commodores

 1996-1997  Gene Dvornick
 1997-1998  Chip White
 1998-1999  Jack Rothrock
 1999-2000  Athlene Schneider
 2000-2001  Jerry Earl
 2001-2002  Dale Duffield
 2002-2003  Vic Ledoux
 2003-2004  Vic Wyant
 2004-2005  Mary Fox
 2005-2006  Curt Johnson
 2006-2007  Ron Barrow
 2007-2008  John Sipkens
 2008-2009  Wally Davis
 2009-2010  Dale Moses
 2010-2011  Mary Baumeier
 2011-2012  Mike Allert
 2012-2013  Rose Duffield
 2013-2014  Gary Boyer
 2014-2015  Kent Whele
 2015-2016  Phil Gay
 2016-2017  Rich Plumb
 2017-2018  Rico Ferraioli
 2018-2019  Vicki Hofmann
 2019-2020  Michael Kessler
 2020-2021  Michael Kessler
 2021-2023  Edwin Hurley
 20223-2024 Tripp Hardy

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